European Union standard euro coins

Home | Microstates | Monaco
1; 2; 5 euro cent, Monaco
Coat of arms of the Grimaldi dynasty. The design of the coin repeats Monaco coins issued even when Prince Louis II of Monaco in the 1922-1949 biennium.

In Monaco the euro was introduced in 2002. However, the first sets of coins were minted, as preparation, in 2001. Hence the first euro coins of Monaco were minted with the year 2001 instead of 2002.
Monaco coat of arms is the emblem of the princely Grimaldi dynasty. On the central panel depicts the silver and red diamonds, 15 red diamond symbolize the 15 clans of Monaco. On either side of the shield are two monks with swords. Framing of flowers surrounding the shield represents the Order of St. Charles. Under the shield - the motto of the Grimaldi dynasty - «Deo Juvante» ( «With God's help," lat). The coat of arms is crowned with the crown prince.
Since 1911, Monaco is a constitutional monarchy.
10; 20; 50 euro cent, Monaco
Monogram reigning Prince of Monaco Albert II.
In the upper part of the coin inscription «MONACO» ( «Monaco"), at the bottom - the year of issue, circumferentially - 12 stars Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, fr. Albert II) (r.14.03.1958) ruling prince of Monaco since 2005, the only son of Rainier III and Grace Kelly.

1 and 2 euro coins, Monaco
Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, fr. Albert II) (r.14.03.1958) ruling prince of Monaco since 2005, the only son of Rainier III and Grace Kelly.