European Union standard euro coins

Home | Microstates | San-Marino
1 euro cent, San Marino
In the center - the emblem of San Marino. Top engraved with the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO» and the year of issue. On the left is the sign of the mint (letter «R»).

The prototype of the modern coat of arms of San Marino, has been known since the XIV century. San Marino coat of arms was modified many times: first the mountains depicted without towers and smoked as volcanoes. Then they were smoking altars, which are then replaced by a tower. The shield was initially white and turned blue since 1797. The final appearance of the coat of arms purchased in 1862. On the coins of San Marino republic coat of arms can be seen in the various stages of its evolution.

San Marino euro coins feature separate designs for every coin.
2 euro cent, San Marino
In the center - Porta San Francesco. Left vertically indicates the year of issue. Right - also vertically - the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO», above it - the mint mark (letter «R»).
The defensive system of San Marino began to build in the X century to defend against attacks of the Hungarians and the Saracens and hostile neighbors.
Porta San Francesco ( Porta San Francesco ), or Porta del Loco ( Porta del Loco ) - this is the gate opening from entering the city of San Marino and in 1361 became chief of his guard post.
In 1451 and 1581 respectively the gate was reconstructed and substantially expanded. They have become a crenellated tower with loopholes. exterior doors were installed. Previously, the moat was located in front of goal, but later it was filled.
The inner wall of the tower is decorated with coats of arms of the Republic of San Marino and the kind Feltreska. Under the arches of the gate has survived the inscription of the XVII century, a warning about the inadmissibility of travelers carry with them into the city of weapons. Otherwise - a large fine.
5 euro cent, San Marino
In the center - the Church of St. Quirinus. Top engraved with the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO» and the year of issue. There is also a mint mark (letter «R»).
Church of St. Quirinus ( Chiesa di San Quirino ) or another church of the Capuchins ( Chiesa dei Cappuccini is ) - the monastic order it belongs - was built in the capital of San Marino.
The construction of the church dates back to XVI century. Between the XVII and XVIII centuries the church was reconstructed in 1709 it was consecrated.
Before the temple in 1928 8 carbon columns, 9-meter height which stands a small chapel was installed by the architect Eduardo Kollamarini. It - statue communication. Francis of Assisi sculptor Silverio Montaguti. To the right of the church you can see a large earthen wall. It was built in the XVI century to improve the city's defenses.
10 euro cent, San Marino
In the center depicts the facade of St Francis Church. Top engraved with the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO» and the year of issue. Left - mint mark (letter «R»).
Construction of St. Francis Church (um. Chiesa di San Francesco ), together with the adjacent convent of the Franciscans was initiated in 1351 in the town of Murata (now located in the city of San Marino). But in the XVI century on the initiative of Pope Clement VII (1478-1534), because of the constant threat posed by the kind of Malatesta, the monastery complex was moved to a new location, where is located today. For the construction of a church at the new location of the old buildings materials were used. Construction was completed around 1400.
20 euro cent, San Marino
Three towers of San Marino, located on the top of Mount Titano. Top engraved with the year of issue and the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO». There is also a mint mark (letter «R»).
San Marino defense system has evolved over the centuries under the influence of the constant threat of capture of the republic. In the X century by the Apennine Peninsula detachments were Hungarians and Saracens. XIII-XV century were marked by opposition to the families of Montefeltro and Malatesta (first supported sanmarintsy, the second - the Pope). But after the defeat of the Malatesta Papal States to attempt to grab a free republic.
50 euro cent, San Marino
Portrait sv.Marina working Emilio Retrozi. Right vertically Set the year of issue below - mint mark (letter «R»). Left - also vertically - the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO».
According to legend, St. Marin was born on the island of Rab, situated on the territory of modern Croatia, about 275 years BC. e.
At the end of the III century Stonemason Marin, along with his partner Leo arrived in the town of Rimini to participate in the reconstruction of the city walls. Another reason, perhaps, was the persecution of Christians by the Emperor Diocletian. Here, young people are hoping to escape from persecution.
1 euro coins, San Marino
In the central part - the image of the tower of honor. To the left along the edge of the disk is the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO», near - mint mark (letter «R»). Top right - the year of issue.
Cesta tower also known as Fratta or second-Torre (um. La Cesta , Fratta, Seconda Torre) stands on the highest peak of Mount Titano (755 m above sea level).
It is believed that the observation tower on the site was in the days of the Roman Empire. But the first documentary evidence of the modern fortress date back only to 1253 year.
Today in Cheste placed ancient weapons museum, opened in 1956. Here it is exposed about 700 samples of different types of weapons and times.
2 euro coins, San Marino
In the central part - a portrait sv.Marino Giovanni Battista Urbinelli. Right along the edge of the disk is the name of the issuing state «SAN MARINO» and the year of issue. Left - mint mark (letter «R»).
According to legend, St. Marin was born on the island of Rab, situated on the territory of modern Croatia, about 275 years BC. e.
At the end of the III century Stonemason Marin, along with his partner Leo arrived in the town of Rimini to participate in the reconstruction of the city walls. Another reason, perhaps, was the persecution of Christians by the Emperor Diocletian. Here, young people are hoping to escape from persecution.

San Marino euro coins 2002-2016
€ 2.00 - Palazzo Pubblico
€ 1.00 - Coat of arms of the Republic of San Marino
€ 0.50 - Three Towers of San Marino (La Guaita, La Cesta, Il Montale).
€ 0.20 - Saint Marinus inspired by a painting of the school of Guercino
€ 0.10 - Basilica of San Marino
€ 0.05 - First tower (Guaita).
€ 0.02 - Statue of Liberty
€ 0.01 - Third tower (Montale).