European Union standard euro coins

Home | National side | Slovakia
The national side of the coins is made, depending on the face value, in three different designs.
1; 2 and 5 euro cent, Slovakia

The national side of the 1, 2 and 5-cent coins depicts the Kriván peak in the Tatra Mountains, symbolising a guarantee of Slovakian independence. Kriván, with an elevation of 2,494 metres, is one of the highest peaks in Slovakia.Its striking shape has given rise to numerous myths and legends in Slovak culture.
Mount Krivan has long been considered a national apex Slovakia. Slovaks its revered in the same way as the Greeks or your Olympus Czechs Rip. The country has a very popular annual ascent of the mountain, because Krivan belongs to the easily accessible peaks. The first such campaign was organized in 1841. The group, under the supervision of a public figure and patriot Stuhr (but it was not the first to climb the mountain). This tradition has survived to this day.
Krivan is one of the highest (its height is 2,494 meters) and the beautiful mountains in the High Tatras. Magnificent mountain rivers, lakes and forests enchant the eye and the imagination. In the mountainous forests is found a lot of wild animals. In the mountains of Slovakia situated national parks, resorts, winter sports center.
10; 20; 50 euro cent, Slovakia
The 10, 20 and 50-cent coins show Bratislava castle.The castle, perched on a plateau above the city, is the dominant landmark of Bratislava. It was included in the first documentary mention of the city, in the Annals of Salzburg in 907. The motif of these euro coins was designed by Ján Černaj and Pavol Károly.
Bratislava Castle (words Bratislavsky hrad.) - is an ancient castle located on a high hill on the banks of the Danube. The first mention of the castle buildings on the site date back to 907 a year, but the history of the City even more ancient. During the Roman Empire, bordering the Danube, it housed the Roman border fortifications.
In X-XIII centuries. Hail began to develop as a serious fortification. Over the centuries it has undergone many changes, undergone many changes, and only in the XV century., When the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund I, the castle began to take its present form.
1 and 2 euro coins, Slovakia
The €1 and €2 euro coins depict a double cross on three hills, as featured in the emblem of Slovakia.This coat of arms was introduced on 1 March 1990, initially as the emblem of the Slovak Republic within the state of Czechoslovakia. Later it was endorsed as the emblem of the newly-independent Slovakia. These coins were designed by Ivan Rehák.

Slovakia coat of arms has a long history. It depicts a six-pointed cross, situated on the three hills - they symbolize the mountains Fatra and Tatra Matru, the area has long been inhabited by the Slovaks. Three mountains appeared on the arms around the XIII century, were finally installed in the XIV century, starting from 1848 have received blue. In Slovakia, there are only the Tatra Mountains and the Fatra and Matra is located in the territory of present-day Hungary.