European Union standard euro coins

Home | National side | Slovenia
The designers were Miljenko Licul, Maja Licul and Janez Boljka. The Mint of Finland was chosen to mint the coins through an international tender in 2007.
1 euro cent, Slovenia

The national side of all denominations of Slovenian euro coins was designed by Miljenko and Maja Licul and Janez Boljka.
The 1-cent coin has an image of stork, a bird commonly found in the northern part of the country. The motif is similar to that used on the previous 20-tolar coin.
White stork (lat Ciconia ciconia.) - a large wading bird of the stork family. It is the most famous representative of storks. It is a white bird with black wing tips, a long neck, long thin red beak and long reddish legs. When the wings are folded stork, it seems that the entire rear portion of the body is black stork. Hence his Ukrainian name - Chernoguz. In color females indistinguishable from males, but somewhat smaller. Growth white stork is 100-125 cm, wingspan 155-200 cm. Mass adult bird reaches 4 kg. The life expectancy of a white stork in the average is 20 years. Externally similar to the White Stork Oriental White Stork, but it is considered a separate species in recent years.
2 euro cent, Slovenia
The Slovenian 2-cent coin depicts the Sovereign Enthronement Stone, regarded by Slovenians as an essential symbol of their own history and sovereignty.
Princes Rock (words Knezji kamen.) - Roman column base, which was engraved in the Middle Ages coat Duchy Carinthia. Prince's Stone played an important role in the coronation ceremony of the Princes Carantania, and later - the Dukes of Carinthia. He stood to the north-west of the Carolingian Palatinate
5 euro cent, Slovenia
A sower, an important motif in Slovenian cultural history, decorates the 5-cent coin. The seeds being sown include 13 stars, which, together with the standard twelve EU stars on the edge of the coin, represent the number of Member States in the European Union at the date of the euro’s introduction in Slovenia.
Perhaps the most famous Slovenian Impressionist painter was Ivan Grohar (Ivan Grohar). He was born June 15, 1867 in the village of Spodnja Sorica (northwest Slovenia). Ivan from an early age showed an interest in art, but it was a poor orphan, and therefore could not develop his talent.
10 euro cent, Slovenia
The 10-cent coin depicts Jože Pečnik’s unrealised plan for a Slovenian Parliament building, known as the Cathedral of Freedom.
The architectural appearance of Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, the first half of the XX century. It was formed primarily influenced by the architect Jože Plečnik (Jože Plečnik) (1872-1957). He is the architect of such buildings in Ljubljana, as the National and University Library (1936-1940), St. Francis Church (1925-1930), Ljubljana Stadium (1925-1937), Triple Bridge (1929-1932) and others. In his works, architect used the new styles. He was a modernist and expressionism, but at the same time he was interested in, and folk architecture. Joze Plecnik also greatly influenced the architecture of cities such as Vienna, Prague and Belgrade.
20 euro cent, Slovenia
The 20-cent coin depicts two Lipizzaner horses. This refers to the original stud farm for this world-famous breed of horses, which lies in modern-day Slovenia.
Lipizzaner horses (the word Lipicanec.) - breed of riding horses, bred in the XVI century on a farm Kras (present-day Slovenia, near the Italian border).
Lipizzaner horses known for his role in the Spanish Riding School. At the initiative of the Austrian Duke Charles the breed began to withdraw in 1580, using 33 horses imported from Spain. It was subsequently added to the blood of horses German breeds. The breed was named after the place in modern Slovenia, where the stud farm and where this breed was bred for the Austrian court until 1918.
50 euro cent, Slovenia
The 50-cent coin depicts Triglav mountain, the highest peak in Slovenia. The Triglav is a Slovenian national symbol and is included in the national coat of arms. It is a Slovenian tradition to climb this 2,864 metre peak at least once in a lifetime.
Triglav mountain range and the top of the same name in Slovenia. The highest point of Slovenia and the Julian Alps (2863 m). Triglav also depicted on the emblem and flag of Slovenia. The name of the mountain, probably derived from the name of the god Triglav - the highest god in the Baltic Slavs. Depicted three-headed.
1 euro coins, Slovenia
The €1 coin depicts the Protestant reformer Primož Trubar, author of the first book printed in Slovene. Trubar published some 25 to 30 books in Slovene.
The founder of the Slovenian literary language is considered to be Protestant reformer Primoz Trubar (Primoz Trubar). He was born on June 9, 1508, from an early age he began to attend a local church, then he became a priest. However, in Slovenia began to spread Protestant ideas. Since 1530 Primoz Trubar also began to preach a new religion. For a more speedy reports of new ideas to the common people, the service held in the Slovenian language.
2 euro coins, Slovenia
The €2 coin depicts Slovenia’s most famous poet France Prešeren. He wrote love and nature poetry and an important epic work Baptism on the Savica. What is considered his main work, the collection Poezije (poems), appeared in 1847. He also wrote some poems, especially sonnets, in German.
France Prešeren (a word. France Preseren , correctly "Prešeren", firmly established in the Russian language "Preshern" - Serbian version name) (December 3, 1800 - February 8, 1849) - Slovenian poet. The representative of romanticism. He laid the foundations of the Slovenian literary language. Introduced new to the Slovenian poetry genres and literary forms.