The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. At 8.5 million square kilometers and with over 208 million people, Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country by area and the fifth most populous. Capital city: Brasília, Currency: Real (R$) (BRL)

25 centavos
Bronze plated steel, diameter: 25.00, size: 7.55 x 2.25
Portrait of Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca (1827-1892), - Republic proclaimer and Brazil’s first Republic president -, surrounded by the National Coat of Arms and "BRASIL".
On the left, background diagonal lines make the facial value prominent, followed by "CENTAVOS" and the year of minting.

10 Centavos
Bronze plated steel, diameter 20.00, size: 4.80 x 2.23
Portrait of D. Pedro I – proclaimer of the Independence, Brazil’s first monarch -, surrounded by "BRASIL" and by the scene allusive to Brazil’s proclamation of independence, on September 7th, 1822, in São Paulo state, on the bank of river Ipiranga.
On the left, background diagonal lines make the facial value prominent, followed by "CENTAVOS" and the year of minting.

One Real
Stainless steel (inner part) and Bronze plated steel (outer part), dimensions: 27.00, size: 7.00 x 1.95
Portrait of the Republic in the inner part trespassing to the outer ring. This constitutes one of the safety elements of the coin. In the outer ring, there are a sample of marajoara art pattern and the legend "BRASIL".
In the outer ring, there is a sample of marajoara art pattern. In the inner part, the sphere is overlapped by a sash, which together with the South Cross is allusive to the National flag, followed by "REAL" and the year of minting.

50 Centavos
Stainless steel, diameter: 23.00, size: 6.80 x 2.85
Portrait of José Maria da Silva Paranhos Júnior (1845-1912), Baron of Rio Branco – Brazilian statesman, diplomat and historian, considered the symbol of diplomacy in Brazil-, surrounded by "BRASIL" and by a scene allusive to the expansion of Brazil’s foreign policy and the solidification of the national borders.
On the left, background diagonal lines make the facial value prominent, followed by "CENTAVOS" and the year of minting.

5 Centavos
Copper plated steel, diameter: 22.00, size: 4.10 x 1.65
Portrait of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier (1746-1792), who was hanged due to his participation in the early independence movement, denominated Inconfidência Mineira. Nowadays, his is viewed as a hero and civic patron of Brazil. His image is surrounded by "BRASIL" and in the background, a triangle, symbol of the movement and a dove, symbol of freedom and peace.
On the left, background diagonal lines make the facial value prominent, followed by "CENTAVOS" and the year of minting.

1 Centavo
Copper plated steel, diameter: 17.00, size: 2.43 x 1.65
Portrait of Pedro Álvares Cabral – Portuguese navigator who, on April 22nd, 1500, discovered Brazil -, surrounded by the inscription "BRASIL" and a vessel, symbolizing the Portuguese navigations.
On the left, background diagonal lines make the facial value prominent, followed by "CENTAVO" and the year of minting.

Brazil 2 Real
Color: Dark Blue,
Back: 121 mm × 65 mm
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

Brazil 5 Real
Color: Purple,
Size: 128 mm x 65 mm
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Great egret (Casmerodius albus)

Brazil 10 Real
Color: Red,
Dimensions: 135 mm × 65 mm
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Green-winged macaw (Ara chlorepterus)

Brazil 20 Real
Color: Yellow,
Dimensions: 142 mm × 65 mm
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia)

Brazil 50 Real
Dimensions: 149 x 70 mm.
Predominant color: beige
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Picture of a Jaguar (Panthera onca), large and beautiful feline, threatened with extinction, but still found mainly in the Amazon Basin and in the Mato Grosso forests.

Brazil 100 Real
Dimensions: 156 x 70 mm.
Predominant color: blue
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
Picture of a Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), fish of the family Serranidae, and it is one of the most known found in the Brazilian coast.